Specialist appointment tomorrow...I'm excited and nervous as I previously said.
I'm going to ask him about FF and the charts...I'm going to ask him if it is accurate when it gives you CH, or if we should keep BDing...once I get the temp rise...I'm bad for not BDing anymore, because I already O'd...what's the point...so to speak. I am NOT doing that this cycle. I'm going to ask him about my super long cycle...and my nervousness that this will also be a super long cycle. Although, I'm trying not to think about it too much, only because if I think about it, it is bound to delay it. I'm going to ask him about Provera, and Clomid. And I'm going to try to get some answers. I am going to explain to him my fears about Endometriosis...and how my mom AND my grandmother had it. I am going to ask him about weak eggies, and weak O's...I am going to see if I can get a progesterone test lined up, to see how stong my O actually is.
I am just a bundle of nerves, and DH seems to be just taking everything with a grain of salt, and letting it run off his back (so to speak) I'm assuming because he is pretty sure he is ok...(the only thing that was questionable was the amount of "normal" sperm) so it has to be me...and I guess that's what is making me so nervous.
On the other side of things, I am trying not to think about it by keeping busy, and this weekend was not an exception. I started to pull out the virgina creeper that has been growing on my fence. I just don't like it, and I think it is so ugly, I had to get rid of it.

I forgot to take a picture before I started, so this is part way done...you can see all the vines sitting on the grass.

I was totally shocked to discover how large the roots are...those are the big ones at the top...they went way down, and even across my yard...it was crazy!!!

This is it all cleaned up...there are still a few roots that I am sure I will have to do a couple of rounds of round up too, but I will nip it in the bud early...I'm sure it will be a constant battle for a while, but eventually, I WILL WIN!!! :)
That's about it...I'm a little sore today from trying to dig that silly thing out, but not bad...no pain no gain. Walking to work again tomorrow...trying for another three day week of walking. I lost the two pounds I was so upset about gaining early last week, so that's good, now I just need to lose more. :)