It has been just over a month since my loss. I have been doing ok. NTNP sucks!!! LOL...although, I'm doing more NT than NP because I really did not want to get pregnant this cycle. Weird for me to say, I know...but I just needed to give my body a rest and a break!! PLUS, I go to see the fertility dr. again on the 2nd of September, and I hope that he will let me know if he still wants to run all the original tests, and perhaps we can find something out from there. AND I wanted to try a cycle with the fermara, so that I O earlier on in the cycle. I have heard that the chance of MC is slightly higher when you O later on in your cycle...and I didn't O till CD 29 again, so was glad that we didn't try, cause that is just one day before I did last time. I don't know if I could bear to go through another loss, so wanted to do whatever it was in my power NOT to have that happen!!
I am not 5 DPO, and looking forward with happiness that soon I will be TTC again, and even though I will not be doing it the way that I wanted, and will be doing it with's a means to getting my little bundle of joy that I so want.
Things that irritate me...I found out last week (when I was visiting my brother and my adorable new neice) that a boy that I used to babysit is DAYS away from having an oopsie baby. :( How is that fair...without even trying, it just happens, and STICKS??!!! sigh...a means to an end, a means to an end...
On a bit of a sadder note...I seem to have some sort of eye infection...:( boo erns...:( I have antibiotic eye drops, and I hope that it goes away soon...I am currently doing everything one eyed...cause I didn't wear my contact in the eye that has the infection, which makes sense...
Anyway, after not writting for a month, I guess that's good!! Hope everyone is doing well...wish me luck cause in about 9 days, I can get back to TTC!!! YIPPEE!!!