Thursday, September 16, 2010

3 Months Young!

My baby girl is now three months old. I can't believe she is three months old already. Time is just going by so fast! It's crazy! She is growing like a weed, and I love every moment I have with her. I fall in love with her more and more each day.

What are some things that she is getting into now?? She is rolling onto her side more from her back. I don't know if she is actually rolling or just the weight of her legs pulling her over. LOL. She LOVES her jolly jumper. Actually it's not a jolly jumper, it's a jumperoo. :) She is still a little tiny in it, and so I have to wrap receiving blankets around her so she is supported enough, but she is starting to get the hang of it.

She also likes hanging out in her bumbo. I think I'm going to get the tray for it so that she has something to put her toys on. :) She is so alert and curious, she just looks around at everything.

I do have one complaint, and it's not about Rayanne. :) She's's about jeans. Why do they make kids jeans so big? It's funny, she has a bit of a belly so leggings are too tight, and gives her a muffin top, but the jeans are too big around her belly.'s funny.

She isn't talking tons yet...she has very vocal moments, but not really babbling yet...and she isn't giggling yet. It makes me worried a bit, because I'm not sure if it has to do with her tongue and her short frenlum. But I will ask my dr. at her 4 month appointment when we go. Speaking of which, I should book that, since it's only a month away. :)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


It seems like Rayanne discovers something new almost every day. :) It is an amazing feeling being a mom. :) I love her so much, and love discovering with her every day, I don't know what I'm going to do when I have to go back to work. :(

Ok...enough about that. :) Last Friday, Rayanne for the first time discovered her feet. It was the cutest thing. We were on our way home from the Dr. office, and Rayanne was sitting in her car seat, looking around. Suddenly...she picks up her left foot, and she looks at it intently. Then, she puts it down, then she picks up her right foot, and looks at it with the same intensity as she looked at the first one. And then she put it down, and just kind of looked. She then got distracted with something else, but it was neat see her discover her feet for the first time. :)

It seems every day, she gets more smiles, and more little faces, it's just amazing to watch her. We are also getting somewhat of a routine down. :) She takes a morning nap and an afternoon nap for sure...I'm just trying to figure out how to get her to nap more consistantly. The morning is good. She gets up at 8, she eats...we play for a bit, and goes back down between 9:30 and 10:00. Then she sleeps till 11. Gets up and eats...then from there it kind of gets messy. I have been busy this week with seeing she eats at 11, and then it's up in the air from there. Which really isn't that good. Anyway, we are usually home around 3 or so, and then she goes down for another hour to hour and a half again. :)

Then yesterday, Rayanne decided to start playing with me. This is how it went. :)

Rayanne: looks at mom, spits out soother, smiles.

Mom: picks up soother, puts it back in.

Rayanne: looks at mom, spits out soother, smiles.

Mom: getting the hint, puts soother away, I guess she doesn't want it.

Rayanne: puts on her pouty face, and starts to fuss like she is going to cry.

Mom: takes out the soother again, and gives it to Rayanne.

Rayanne: looks at mom, spits out soother, smiles.

LOL!! It was the cutest thing.

Anyway, that is my update on my little girl. Thanks for listening.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My first post as a mom!

Ok for starters...I'm not sure why that picture is so big at the beginning of the blog. I am not totally computer I'm still trying to figure this out.

I have decided that I need to start a motherhood blog. Why??!! Because I feel like sometimes people get tired of hearing me talk about Rayanne, and that's all I want to do is talk about my baby girl. :) It was a very tough time getting her into this world...and I just appreciate every minute that I have her. :)

She will be 10 weeks tomorrow...what is she doing so far?? She is so alert! She has started making some noises besides grunts. She recently discovered her tongue so she sticks it out a lot...silly girl. She has started to smile, and has laughed in her sleep a couple of times...I can tell that she wants to do it when she's awake too, but just hasn't quite figured it out yet. :)

Anyway, that's it for my first post...I hope you all are doing well...I haven't checked your blogs in a while. Now that Rayanne has started getting into more of a schedule, it is easier for me to get on the computer and do things. :)