Friday, July 24, 2009


I know I haven't updated in a while...and for those of you that are still following, I wanted to let you know, that I lost my baby. DH and I are both fairly devastated, and don't understand. We are taking it day by day.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

It's been a while...almost a month...WOW!!

Hey there...sorry it has been so long since I have updated my blog...the past month has been just nuts!! Shortly after I posted the last post in my blog, I headed to the emergency room, because I was having some spotting. The ER doctor there looked me over, and said that everything looked fine, but wanted me to get an ultra sound done on the Monday. So I went in on the Monday, and got the ultra sound in, happy cause everything seemed fine, but when they did the ultra sound, all they could see was the yolk sac. ???? HUH ???? I should have been about 6 weeks I thought at that point, so I started to feel concerned again. :( I wasn't sure what had they took and beta HCG blood test, and told me to go to my regular Dr. to get a second one drawn in 48 hours. So I did. My first one was 5074 my second one was 6717. I was told by the ER doctor, that the numbers should double, so again, I was devastated. :( They didn't double, so I was sure that I was losing my baby bean.

I finally had my Dr. call my OBGYN (she doesn't take calls from patients, and he wasn't 100% sure if they were to double or not) My OBGYN was not concerned about the increase, and said that it was satisfactory. :) YIPPEE...Marci is happy again!!! Then the spotting started again. :( and continued on and off for all of last week. I again, wasn't sure what to think, because it was such a long stretch of spotting.

Well last Friday I had a second ultra sound done, and it was the most amazing thing. I will post pictures later, as I don't have them at work, but we got to SEE the heart beat, it was 188 bpm, and we got a couple of pictures. (S)he looks like a little gummi bear, so cute!!! I am still continuing cautiously, but should know next Monday exactly when my due date is. At the ultra sound I was measuring about 8 wks 2 days, which would make me 8 wks 6 days today...9 wks tomorrow...which means there is only four more weeks before I am past my first tri mester!! For those of you that are following me from JM thanks so much for your continued support, both on my blog and on JM...and thanks for all my other followers, I will try to keep you updated better.