Sunday, February 27, 2011

Been Slacking it has been almost a month since my last post. I'm so sorry that I have been slacking. I got really busy with our trip to Florida, and then we came back, and Rayanne has been a bit off since then. I am very tired today, and it will be an early night.

Anyway, so we had a GREAT time in Florida, and another day, I will post those pictures. Today I am getting back to a picture a day thing. I have a very cute picture of her in a toque that our friends in Florida gave her. It's a little owl. She looks so cute!

But let me tell you what she has been up to. It seems like she changes every day. She has started just talking up a storm. If she is some place new, then she is quiet for a bit, but once she is comfortable...look out. LOL...So far she has said mom (but she has said that before) dad, and hi. I'm not sure she knows what any of the words mean, I think she has just been repeating what we say to her. :) But it is nice that she is babbling now, and it's so fun. She also knows what shaking her head no means. When she first started doing it...we would say no no no...and laugh, and then stop whatever we were doing with her. Well she has seemed to figure out that no no no means, well just that no. :) She'll shake her head no when she is done eating, or when she doesn't want to be put down. She has really figured it out. It's so cute. I love it.

She is eating so many foods. Today we had some new ones...we tried mushrooms which were not really that big of a hit, and cheese, which was a huge hit. Now that I know she likes cheese, I can feed her that more often. :) I was scared to try her on cheese, cause I was scared that she couldn't chew it enough to swallow it, but if I made the pieces small enough, she has no problem. She has also had grapes, and strawberries, and cantaloupe. She loved all of those of course, but she does not like Kiwi. lol She is getting so close to moving around and crawling...I can't wait till she starts...she is growing up so fast, but I love it.

Here is our picture for Today

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