Friday, May 8, 2009

Feeling Down

CD 15...

So, it's cycle day 15, and the one cycle that I charted that I had "normal" temps, my temp dropped drastically this, it shot right up. :( I'm not sure why it would do this...I find it quite frustrating actually, especially since I started taking Metformin (mind you I did only start it four days ago, and I am on a very low dosage right now) but I was sure it would help...but it doesn't seem to be. It has made me super thirsty...(which of course is throwing off any possible OPK's I may have because my urine is SUPER diluted, it's like clear) It's like learning how to TTC again when you add a med.

On the plus side, my mom and dad will be in this weekend, and it promises to be a fun weekend. Garage saling with Mom tomorrow, and then supper at chop for Dad's birthday (his birthday is on Mothers day this year) It's gonna be a good weekend. I'm going to have to really practice will power since my dad loves to SNACK so I know there will be snacky things in the house this weekend. I'm really gonna have to use every ounce of strength that I have!!!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful Mothers Day!!!

1 comment:

  1. Keep the faith and give the Met a chance to work! :) I know how frustrating it must feel to be "missing it" (I'm already trying to prepare myself for the likelihood of that in a week or so), but just hang on! You WILL get there!! And good luck avoiding the snackies, you are a better woman than me if you manage it! :D
